Helpful Hands Massage Therapy is located at 2121 Eastchester Drive in High Point North Carolina. The address is as follows
2121 Eastchester Dr
Suite 109
High Point NC 27265
A specific appointment is reserved for you. Please arrive a few minutes prior to your scheduled appointment in order for you to receive the full amount of your massage therapy session. Arriving late may reduce the length of your session to properly accommodate the next client and not infringe on their appointment time.
Availability is by appointment – Monday-Friday: 10:00am – 7:00pm ;Saturdays 10:00am-4:00pm and Sunday closed.
24-hour notice is required for cancellations. Except for illness or emergency, any cancellation less than 24 hours from appointment time, and no-shows, will be charged 100% of the full-service charge.
Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Cash App, and all major credit cards are accepted, as well as HSA cards.
All no-shows, and cancellations less than 24 hours will be charged 100% of the cost of the service.
Check Policy
Please make checks payable to: Helpful Hands Massage.
There will be a $35 charge for any returned checks.
Scheduling Appointment
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